An app that allows users to view information about different movies including description, genre and director. Users can sign up for an account and add favorite movies to their profile. It utilizes password hashing to encrypt users’ passwords. This project was built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, Nodejs) and styled with Bootstrap.
A Progressive Web App created with React. The main purpose of this app is to find different events in your area. It uses your location to find events close to you or you can search for a city worldwide. AWS Lambda and OAuth are used to obtain authorization for the Meetup API. Charts were added from ReCharts to display the number of events in the next 7 days and RSVP status for events. Unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance were preformed using jest to ensure scenarios and features functioned as expected.
An app with three different language quizzes. The demo questions and answers are stored in JSON files. This project was made using AngularJS.
An app that tracks a list of custom tasks that will allow users to cross tasks out when complete or delete tasks. This project was made with Vue.js.
This simple Pokedex app allows users to view information on various Pokémon. This project was made with JavaScript and jQuery.
A mobile app built using React-Native which utilizes GiftedChat as well as Google Firebase. This app will allow registered users to chat with others. Users will be able to share images by taking pictures or selecting pictures stored on their mobile device. Users can also share their locations and view previous chats while offline.